• Question: When will the world end

    Asked by mancity123 to Angela, Gabriele, Karen, Maria, Shane on 12 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Shane Mc Guinness

      Shane Mc Guinness answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      Great question.
      It’s likely that the world will end as we know it in about 900 million years (a long time away!). This will be caused by the sun gradually getting hotter and burning off all the water and oxygen on our planet. But there’s nothing to say that we can’t go somewhere else by that time!
      After that the earth might not actually get swallowed up by the sun as it expands into a “red giant” star. It looks like the burnt rock of earth will remain! So if we can figure out how to survive that then wer’e sorted! We have plenty of time though, that’s not for another 5 billion years 🙂

    • Photo: Angela Stevenson

      Angela Stevenson answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      That’s a very profound question 🙂 Astrophysicists believe that it will end about 7.5 billion years down the road! We haven’t even been on Earth for that long… modern humans (our species) have only been on Earth for 200,000 years! So we’re safe 😉
